Problem 5A (not solved yet). Proposed by Alexander Monteith-Pistor
Let $\bigtriangleup ABC$ be an isosceles right triangle with right angle at $A$ and incenter $I$. The point $P$ is randomly chosen inside $\bigtriangleup ABC$. Find the probability that $\bigtriangleup PAI$ is an acute triangle (all of its angles are acute).
Problem 11A. Proposed by Luca Tu
Call a number C unlucky if there exists a multiset $S \subseteq \mathbb{N}^*$ such that the sum of all the elements in $S$ is $169$, and the product of all the elements in $S$ is $C$. Find the largest unlucky number.
(A multiset is a set that can have duplicate elements.)
Problem 12A. Proposed by Luca Tu
In the following calculation, each letter stands for a different digit (e.g. if $X = 0$ then $Y \neq 0$)
C | L | O | V | E | R | |
+ | C | R | O | C | U | S |
= | V | I | O | L | E | T |
Problem 4B (not solved yet).Proposed by Ken Jiang
Alice and Bob are playing a new game. Starting from $N$, they take turns counting down $F_i$ numbers, where $F_i$ must be a member of the Fibonacci sequence. Alice goes first, and the player who counts to $1$ is the winner. Show that there are infinite values of $N$ such that, no matter how Alice plays, Bob can win.
Problem 5B (not solved yet). Alexander Monteith-Pistor
Let $S = \{0, 1, 2, ..., 2020\}$ and $f : S \to S$ satisfy
$$f(x)f(y)f(xy) = f(f(x+y))$$
for all $x, y \in S$ with $xy \le 2020$ and $x + y \le 2020$. Find the maximum possible value of
$$\sum_{i=0}^{2020} f(i)$$
Problem 8B (not solved yet). Proposed by Andy Kim
Let a, b, and c be positive real numbers. Given that $abc = 1$, prove that
$$\frac{a^3 - 1}{b^2 c^2} + \frac{b^3 - 1}{c^2 a^2} + \frac{c^3 - 1}{a^2 b^2} \geq 0$$
Problem 11B. Proposed by Max Jiang
Find all complex roots of the polynomial \[x^8-4x^7+10x^6-16x^5+19x^4-16x^3+10x^2-4x+1=0.\]
Problem 12B. Proposed by Max Jiang
Instead of an election, Donald and Joe play a grid-coloring game to decide who gets to be the next president. Given a $n\times m$ grid of unit squares, the candidates will take turns coloring $1\times k$ or $k\times 1$ sub-arrays of the grid, where $k$ is a positive integer, such that no cell in the sub-array is already colored. The last player to move is declared the winner (at which point the grid will be completely colored). Find all pairs $(n,m)$ such that the first player to move has a winning strategy.
Problem 13B. Proposed by Alexander Monteith-Pistor
Let $p(x)$ be a polynomial with integer coefficients satisfying
$$p(x+2020)^{2020} = p(x^{2020}) + 2020$$
Find all possible values of $p(0)$.
Problem 14B. Proposed by Ken Jiang
For integer $n>1$, determine which expression is greater: $n^{n!}$ or $(n^n)!$.
Problem 15B. Proposed by Ken Jiang
Let $f_n(x)$ be a function such that: if $x\leq n$ then $f_n(x)=1$ and if $x>n$ then $f_n(x)=\sum\limits_{i=x-n}^{x-1} f_n(i)$.
Prove that
\[\sum\limits_{i=1}^{\infty} \dfrac{f_n(i)}{2^i}=n\]
Problem 16B. Proposed by Nicolas Sullivan
Let $\Delta ABC$ be an equilateral triangle with side length $1$. Choose points $M$, $N$ and $P$ on $BC$, $CA$ and $AB$ respectively. Find the smallest possible ratio between the area of $\Delta MNP$ and $\Delta ABC$ if
64\left[\frac{1}{BM^3} + \frac{1}{CN^3} + \frac{1}{AP^3}\right] + \left[\frac{1}{CM^3} + \frac{1}{AN^3} + \frac{1}{BP^3}\right] = 729.
Problem 17B. Proposed by Nikola Milijevic
Recall that the Fibonacci sequence is defined by $f_{1}=1,f_{2}=1$ and $f_{k}=f_{k-1}+f_{k-2}$ for $k\ge3$. Prove that $f_{n+4} \equiv 2f_{n}$ (mod 3) for all $n \in \mathbb{N}$
Problem 18B. Proposed by Andy Kim
There is an event in Ottawa, which has attendees sitting in a row of $n$ chairs. However, to comply to the social distancing guidelines, there must be a space of at least one empty chair between attendees. Given that there is at least 1 attendee, show that the number of possible seating arrangements is $F_{n+2}-1$. (note: $F_n$ is the $n$'th fibonacci number, which is defined by $F_1 = 1$, $F_2 = 1$, $F_n = F_{n-1} + F_{n-2}$ for natural $n \geq 3$)
Problem 19B. Proposed by Luca Tu
Find the maximum of $\log a \cdot \log c$, given:
$$\log a + \log_b c = 3 \text{ and } \log b + \log_a c = 4$$
(where $\log x$ denotes $\log_{10} x$)
Problem 20B. Proposed by DC
Given six points $A_1$, $A_2$, $A_3$, $A_4$, $A_5$, $A_6$ on a circle such that $\overset{\frown}{A_1A_2}=\overset{\frown}{A_2A_3}$, $\overset{\frown}{A_3A_4}=\overset{\frown}{A_4A_5}$, and $\overset{\frown}{A_5A_6}=\overset{\frown}{A_6A_1}$.
Prove that the three points obtained by intersecting $A_4A_6$ with $A_1A_3$, $A_2A_4$ with $A_1A_5$, and $A_3A_5$ with $A_2A_6$ are collinear.